Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Procrastination is a bitch

No seriously. It really is.

I've been telling myself the last four days that I need to write this blog, and for the love of mike, I just cannot seem to muster the willpower to actually write the bloody thing. Now, I can't decide whether or not I'm just being or if I have too much work to do. Well, I don't really feel lazy nor do I feel overworked...

Well, enough of that.... We had our first rehearsal the 28th. It was something of a "semi-success." Here's how it went down.

Two weeks ago, I started making arrangements to have a read-through for the script with everyone involved. Now, three quarters of the people starring in the movie said that they'd attend. After letting them all know that once the list of attendees have been finalized, you'll have to attend. Lo and behold, we only ended up having A QUARTER of the original attendees how made it.

This, unfortunately, leaves me with yet another incomplete cast. Now, I've started rehearsals so the film is now officially in pre-production. This means that by the end of June I need to have a full set of actors who know their lines. The other parts (costumes, concept design, etc) are all being taken care of, thank goodness for that. However, casting still remains an issue for this project. To tell you the truth, it's actually a good thing because now we have something to talk about in the DVD's special features.

Talk about seeing the glass as half full.

The funny thing about Saturday's rehearsal was the fact that we were supposed to have pictures of the event. Now, the lady who usually does our photography had her camera at the event... but forgot to bring batteries. Kinda funny. However, we did manage to get some video footage of the event so I'm going to have to pull a late night and do some screen grabs.

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