Saturday, March 21, 2009

The 5 - The First Post

I’ve never been able to do this. Writing blogs has never been my strong suit. Sure, I’ve written small news updates for my movies on the various social networking sites I happen to be promoting the movie in question and I've written scripts. Being able to muster up the necessary writing prowess to actually type up something to the likes of a blog, has always been my proverbial Achilles heel. Saying it's a skill to write a blog would be a very bad way of putting it, but the skill has been eluding me for a long time.

Now, I know that some people might argue that writing a script is similar to writing a blog. In a sense, that is true. Writing a script is almost similar to writing a blog. There are fundamental differences however, the biggest being that a script has a solid form that one must follow (to a T, I might add), where a blog is simply a much more detailed, much more prose-rich collection of thoughts on a subject.

Writing is no fine art. Anyone can slap a couple of sentences together and proudly say that they wrote something, and I say that with no disrespect at all. I believe that everybody can write. The ability lies within all of us.

What does this have to do with this blog, you may ask? Well, nothing really. It works better for an opening statement than your garden variety grouping of phrases “Hi, I’m Emile. I make movies. Support my newest project!” Doesn't read as great, now does it?

Now, in the past whenever I tried to write a blog, I could never prevent it from sounding like a very cheap marketing pitch. I guess, it might be because I wasn’t trying hard enough. Now, seeing as this is my second film I’m putting together, it’s as good a place as any to start doing this.

Okay, so I'll start this off in phases.

Phase one: The Introduction.

The heading kinda says it all. Hi. Welcome. So far so good.

Phase two: The What.

This is the official blog for a new film called The 5. In a nutshell, it's about five female assassins who share their unique outlook on certain aspects of life, this being the reality of life itself, religion, humanity, sentimentality, and Fate.

Phase three: The Who.

Who am I? Emile, an indie filmmaker from South Africa. Yes, that little country on the ass-end of Africa. And yes, we do make movies over here as well. I'm the co-writer, director, and producer of this picture. For the record, it has to be said that the full writing honor goes to William Meikle, a BRILLIANT horror novelist.

Phase four: The Motivation.

The motivation? Well, other than the fact that I'm inviting any and all who want to follow our day-to-day journey in making this film, I can't really think of any other reason. Sharing what we do is motivation enough.

With that covered, I guess I can declare this bazaar now open!

Welcome to the world of The 5.

So, this movie's currently in pre-production. For those of you who don't know, this means that we're busy designing the film (drawing concepts for costumes, sets, characters, all manner of props etc), rehearsing the script with our cast, hiring crew members, and making last minute decisions that puts the whole production crew in a flat spin. We're planning on starting principal photography (when we actually shoot this thing) at the end of June

My aim with it is to go to Cannes. Some people might say that I'm aiming too high, but I've always believed that no matter how high you aim, you'll always land somewhere. See, it's not about how famous or popular you can become, but about the passion and effort you put into anything you do. A wise man once told me that if you're expecting fame and fortune in the film industry, then you're in the wrong profession.

But anyway, back to the blog...

In this blog, I'll post artwork, photos, clips, bits of news, and the odd moment of randomness on occassion. All this to give you guys a closer, more intimate look at what we're doing with this movie. So, invite friends to join in. Take up your front row seat and follow us as we make The 5.

You can also follow the movie's progress on Facebook and Twitter.

Well, I've said all that I've needed to say for now. Until the next post.



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