Sunday, March 22, 2009

6 Days Remain

Well, things are now on the roll. As they say, there's no turning back now. And, quite frankly, I don't want to. The truth is, things have been rough the past couple of months here at Fir3storm. It's nothing earth shattering, but the series of events that saw themselves play out have had a rather profound, if not life changing effect on a bunch of us.

Nevertheless, these changes normally bring about a renewed vigor in spirit and vitality, and man are we feeling renewed and re-vigored (is that actually a word, or did I make it up? Notify the editors of the Oxford dictionary...).

Anyway..... as I was saying....

We're on a roll now. This film's production is actually picking up pace, and by the looks of things, it's picking up at a rather tremendous rate, one which seems as though won't stop for anything. Kinda unsettling, but it's actually like riding a roller coaster. Now for the record, I hate roller coasters. You won't get near those damn things. I've got acrophobia, or as they call it in laymans terms "vertigo." I've been scared pissless of heights all my life. Now, because of this phobia, I've never been on a roller coaster.

However, when you're not in the hot seat of one of those roller coasters, have you ever watched them? Here's a little "homework" assignment: the next time you go to a theme-park that has any type of wild roller coaster, sit one round out and just watch it. Now, don't just look at it. You have to actually watch it. Try and slow it down, stare at it in every possible detail you can. Imagine the cars in the roller coasted is your life or whatever significant event applies here. The structure that keeps our roller coaster in the air is the above mentioned significant event in place and on track. Any deviations or alterations to this track causes serious damage to the cars of our roller coaster.

You guys still following me? Good.

My point with this whole overly exaggerated explanation is that everything in life is like a roller coaster. You get your ups, downs, bends, and twists. And like a real roller coaster track on any amusement park needs constant attention and reparations, such is everything in life as well. If all goes well, our happy little roller coaster and its passengers will be on a steady course that's on it's course to an end. I'm not talking about "the end" as in death itself. I'm talking about "the end" as in towards a final goal. A goal can manifest itself in many things, but this goal is more of a material one.

How does this fit into The 5? Simple.

We are on a steady course towards an end: the release of this film. Our current course: the actual production and assembly of this film. Potential hindrances: anything that one can expect to happen on a film set.

We've had a bunch of problems concerning casting, but for the time being it seems to have been resolved now. If something should happen (just jinxed it!), then it's too late to do anything about it as it's full steam ahead from this point forward.

We've got six days left until we have our first big rehearsal. It's nothing to be nervous about, it's actually something I'm looking forward to. It's the casting I'm worried about. Without a cast, there's no movie. People might say that I'm worrying too much etc. The thing is, The 5 has been a rather tough film to cast.

Maybe I am worrying too much....

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